Saturday, November 1, 2014

Off in a new direction

Always wanted to try to replicate the look of gum paste flowers, without having to rely on carving.  This is my first attempt, using petal dust, a cake decorating supply, to add a touch a color on the tips of the petals, bloodwood for the center, and fabric paint for the yellow "stamens".

The box was made from pieces left over from another project.  Pretty good use of scraps!


  1. Thanks. More to come as I figure things out!

  2. I love the fact that you incorporated "non-traditional" materials into your woodworking! Woodworkers often limit their supplies to what is "known" or "commonplace". Stepping outside the common is a good thing!

  3. Thanks, Barbara. I have more surprises in store along that direction. Love the way you've mixed your beading and woodworking.

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  5. Glad that you do. I love the rounded shape, and it was made with scraps, which is really neat!

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