Sunday, November 28, 2010

All packed and ready to go!

The new book is finally finished, at least at my end of things. I sent out 3 DVDs on Saturday, with all the text, instructions, process photos, etc., and will have UPS pick up the boxes (33 plus 6 variations) on Tuesday to pack them and ship then out out to Fox Chapel.

Just in case you were wondering, it's my responsibility (and cost) to make sure they get there safely. For the first book, I was tempted to drive out to Pennsylvania and deliver them myself, given the hundreds of hours of work invested, but reason prevailed. So, Tuesday morning, the folks from the local UPS store will come to my house and take them to the store for packing.

When the project is submitted, it's unpacked and organized, and the editing process should begin in February. I've already gone through about 4 rounds of edits, and each time I catch more errors, but I think I've taken it as far as I can.

And I finally get my dining room table back! When I'm cleared to "go public" with the projects, I'll post pictures of everything all lined up and ready to go. They're such fun projects--I can't wait until the book comes out!


  1. I've just ordered your previous book and am already looking forward to the new one! :) Over the thanksgiving holiday I made a nice bowl on the lathe but leaning very heavily on ideas that you kindly shared in your "swag bowl" videos... what an inspiration! Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. I'm sure everyone is excited to hear that your new book is on it final destination before landing in our hands. I know I am. Feb. you say oh say it isn't

  3. GarageCrafter--glad you found the swag videos helpful. The stacked rings were originally used (and still are) for the lathe as an alternative to large blocks of wood. If you get a chance, please email me some pix of your work--I'd be interested to see the lathe "translation".

    Doug--February just starts the serious work--turning the manuscript into a book. The exciting part is when they design the cover, which is when the publicity push can start. I can't wait to share the things I've been doing--they're not difficult, and a lot of fun, and best of all, they're completely different from anything out there. Publication date will be late fall, early winter, most likely, but I'll pass the word along as soon as those decisions are made.

  4. I am so happy for you Carloe..I know it was a long process to get everything ready..I can't wait for it to come out next year..And I can't wait to see what your craetive mind has came up with this time..You are truely a inspiration to alot of people..And I am thankful for you sharing your knowledge with all of us...Keep up the good work and take some time off now..You deserve it.
