Monday, August 2, 2010

What is it?

I've been having a good time creating projects for my new book. My goal is to have the book filled with things that will be fun to do, different, and within the capabilities of the typical scroller. I wish I could share more of what I'm doing, but that would spoil the surprise when the book is finally published, late next year.

However, this came out so well that I just had to share it. It's obviously part of a larger project, but I'm wondering if even in its unfinished state it looks like what it's supposed to. Let me know what you think. Thanks.


  1. OK, I will give it a try Carole. Is it perhaps part of a toss the ball into the hole type of game? Don't know, but that just popped into my head.

  2. Good guess, Larry,but that's not it. Hint: it's one of seven, six in a circle and one in the center.

  3. OK, Is it a sun flower of some sort or several planets lined up? I have got both of those in my head for some reason.

  4. Interesting hint Carole. But did you gave it away? Is it one of the pieces in a trivet?

  5. Really think food. And it's part of a box. No more hints!

  6. Gee, I thought this would be so easy . . . .

  7. Well Carole it will be once we know. Then we'll all slap our brows and say 'of course'!!! How about 20 questions how big is the whole circled?

  8. Outer diameter is 2", inner diameter is 3/4". Seven of these mysterious objects are used for this project. See what you can come up with. It's a really neat project--one of my favorites for the new book.

  9. I think this is the reason I never liked doing cross word puzzles... I walk around trying to come up with what it is and it just won't pop into my head. Your right Doug...I'm sure it's something we thought of and discounted.

  10. Well I drew it out to scale from your data. Since you are writing a book about boxes looking at it, it appears to be a lid if the disks are glued to a flat surface. But since there is a food component I'm sure it's not the answer, unless of course food is just a 'red herring' smile. As a box it would be six sided and with plenty of openings for air flow thru it could be used for garlic or a food product that is best stored with air flow. Or even a po puri(?) but then that is not food. I'll keep mulling and checking back. Good luck all you puzzel solvers.

  11. OK, here's another hint. The pictured object is one of seven, and is the lid decoration for a box that looks like a food object. I just finished the project, and it really worked! The book chapter is called "Fun with Food". I think the cupcake boxes that are in that chapter were posted on FCP's Facebook page.

    Takes a cake decorator to write a woodworking book.

  12. Pineapple upside down cake style lid for a cake looking, my mind is really screwed up now!!

  13. BIngo! And the base of the box is a pedestal cake stand. If you look at the lid and rim construction of the ginger jar in the bowl book, you might be able to figure out the construction of the box. It's really a neat design, if I do say so myself!

  14. So did I win a piece of cake or something tasty? That sounds like something allot of people would like to own

  15. Well, yellowheart doesn't taste nearly as good as oak . . . . .

  16. That's good Carole. From the looks of my waist line, I really don't need anything sweet anyway... want to make sure I can get close to the scroll saw.

  17. Good work Larry. I didn't slap my brow and say of course but rather I am looking forward to the new book.

  18. Eggs came to my mind Carole - but the coloring was wrong.
    I can't wait to see your new book! I do think you need to send me your cupcake design so I can test it out before it's published to make sure the instructions are right. {smile}
