Wednesday, August 16, 2017

New use for old scraps

It's hard enough to throw away scraps without having your partner go through your trash bin and remove what you've put in.  Joe regularly eyes my scraps, particularly those from bowl blanks, and removed two sets not long ago.

He re-sawed each the pieces to create thinner pieces that were book-matched, glued up some veneer for the inside decoration, then created an outside frame to pull everything together.

Now I don't even both throwing larger pieces away.  I just set them aside and look forward to some creative recycling.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Helpful tip for bowls with wide rings

If you're making a bowl with wide rings--3/8" or more--you can do some pre-sanding of the inside of any particular ring that has marked irregularities before you glue all the rings together.

However--and it's an important consideration--you'll still have to get the inside of all the rings smooth and completely aligned once they are glued up, so this can only be done if you have enough wood left after removing the offending places to continue with the sanding as normally done.

I use this very seldom, but sometimes if access will be a problem, and I really need to clean things up, it's worth considering as an option.