Monday, December 31, 2012

Progressing slowly

We hung the heater, and are hoping to get the wiring in place next weekend.  The trick in locating the heater was placing it where Joe wouldn't hit his head on it, coming into the garage.  The hatch on the ceiling was cut when the insulation was blown in, and lets us take a look at the garage roof to check on things.  It's already a lot warmer in the garage, even without the heater on, so we're hoping that this unit will do the trick.

Slow going, but at least we're progressing in the right direction!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The new shop starts here

OK--it's nothing to write home about at this point. What is not visible is that the walls and ceiling are now insulated, which will help a lot when we get the heat in. If you've seen pictures of my previous shop, you'll notice that the tool lineup is the same. What has changed is that I now have use of the full bay, since the car will go in the second bay.

Planned are a drum sander, and a dedicated dust collection unit. I'm hoping to get one that can be rolled around to the other tools that take a 4" port, such as the belt sander. I'm also hoping to fit an effective dust collector to the scroll saw, something I haven't had in the past.

Electrical work is scheduled for early January, at which point, weather permitting, the shop should be usable.

I'll post updates as visible changes occur, but did want to get the process going.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The shop is on its way!

We finally decided to keep the shop in the garage, and to put the table saw (when we get it) in the basement. The cost of erecting walls in the basement, and having good dust collection would have broken the bank on materials cost alone, so we had to scrap the idea of a more elaborate basement shop.

We'll be using one bay of the two-car garage, as well as some space at the very end. Since there is no insulation in the garage, that's the first thing on the list, and is scheduled for tomorrow. That will be followed by bringing up power from the basement, to be surface mounted, and installing a ceiling heater. At that point, we'll be operational.

Yet to be decided is storage, curtain partitions if needed to contain heat, and some additional tools like a drum sander and dust collector to supplement our shop vacs. We're still not sure about an air cleaner.

I'll post progress pictures as we go, and hopefully will be able to get some new projects going. Can't wait!!!