Saturday, May 22, 2010

Scroll Saw Arrived!

I finally got my own scroll saw! Hanns Derke of Advanced Machinery, distributor of Hegner scroll saws, was kind enough to set up my saw and show me how to use it. So far, I've mastered blade insertion, and tomorrow I'll graduate to actually cutting my first project. It's a sleek and elegant tool, and marks my transition from "yellow" to "orange".

Monday, May 17, 2010

my shop is actually happening!

Sorry I haven't been posting--I've been too busy cleaning out the garage to make room for my new "mini shop". So far, the drill press is up and running, spindle sander has to be returned because it was damaged, and scroll saw and combo sander should be here later this week. An old cabinet will do as a work surface, and we'll add storage as we go alone. Here's what it looks like so far--updates to come. Any ideas for small shops are welcome!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Demo at Woodcraft store, Norwalk

Had a good time at the Woodcraft store signing books and showing lathe turners and other woodworkers how to make bowls with the scroll saw.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Demo Saturday May 8th at Norwalk, CT Woodcraft store

I'll be doing a demo at the Norwalk, CT Woodcraft store this Saturday, May 8th, from 12-2. If you're in the area, please drop by to say "hi", and if you've been doing bowls, bring your work along and we'll have a "show and tell". Hope to see you there.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Here's a useful cutting tip

In making bowls, most of the cuts are made from the top side of the blank, cutting clockwise. Sometimes, however, you need the bottom of a ring to be a particular size, as when making a flared top for a vase, and aren't sure what the top diameter should be. The easiest way to handle this situation is to turn your blank on its face, draw the size ring you need, allowing a generous margin all around, and cut along the line at whatever angle you're using, going COUNTERCLOCKWISE. Then you can turn your wood over, face side up, and proceed as usual.